Chennai Soft Power 30

Chennai Soft Power 30

Being located in Chennai, which is undoubtedly one of India’s foremost cultural capitals, The Center for Soft Power has undertaken a project to document those performing artists from Chennai who have acted as India’s Soft Power Assets globally. This project will take the form of interviews with 30 of Chennai’s most internationally recognized performing artists, and will look at their journeys and how they have spread Indian culture through their art, at the global level.

Smt. Bombay Jayashri Ramnath
Among the many countries she has travelled to perform, her favourite is Srilanka! Her magical voice was lent to ad.jingles of international brands. Her school Hitham in Chennai is engaged in teaching and healing autistic children. "MUSIC is the SOFTEST Soft Power," said Smt.Bombay Jayashri.
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