Arvind Chenji is Curator for Indica Photography. He is a self-taught photographer and filmmaker who has forayed into various verticals of photography and film, and continues to explore new vistas with unwavering enthusiasm. With credits to around 40 magazine covers and numerous stories in publications such as Illustrated Weekly, Society, Savvy, Stardust, Filmfare and many newspapers Arvind’s portfolios cover people, fashion, food, sport, industry, product, editorial and many other interesting subjects. Besides making over 25 corporate films for his clients, Arvind was the main character is Zee TV’s ‘Photo Show by Arvind Chenji’, a program focused on teaching photography. He has mentored many students in photography apart from having worked as guest faculty at the College of Journalism, Osmania University. Arvind has also worked for the National Geographic Society as a photographer on assignment. Arvind is also a keen sportsperson and the key person involved with the Hyderabad Racing League which helped identify, train and nurture potential champion caliber cyclists. Arvind always believes that his next picture will be his best one.