Indica Pictures, a cinematic celebration of India, is delighted to announce winners of our One Minute Promo Challenge, a curtain raiser event that was launched on 15th August 2020. After more than ~150 registrations, and 30+ submissions from small towns all across India, we now have the winners!
Our panel of judges reviewed each and every submission and announced the following as the winners of the contest-
- FIRST prize winner - Kshitiz Rai
- SECOND prize winner - Amir Pallikal
- THIRD prize winner - Yogesh Kumar
- Special Mention - Devansh Mathur
"Indica Pictures THANKS each and every contestant who submitted an entry. Every bit of creativity is deeply appreciated. The passion from these amateur filmmakers proved once again the belief that anyone with a story to tell can become a filmmaker. We hope all those who took their first step will continue to march, find new avenues to bring their creativity to fruition", said Sumeet Borwankar, Head of Operations at Indica Pictures.
Indic Film Utsav, our flagship event, is just 40 days away. Be there!