Indica Pictures announces ICPG 2021 Grantees!

Indica Pictures launched Indica Culture Photography Grant (ICPG) in March 2021 with the goal of spreading awareness about India, its aesthetics, culture, and heritage through photography. Subjects identified under this newly emerging Culture Photography genre were Pilgrimages, Handloom Fashion, Festivals, Living traditions/Rituals, Indigenous Food/Cuisine, Indigenous People and Living Art Forms.

Since that fortuitous launch announcement, Indica Culture Photography Grant initiative (ICPG), has accomplished several key milestones.

  • ICPG received 93 submissions from towns and cities in India
  • An eminent 6-member Jury Board diligently reviewed all qualifying proposals
  • Individual personal interviews were held with 14 shortlisted contenders

Indica Pictures is delighted to present to you the final list of recipients of ICPG 2021 grant!!

  • Manish Lakhani
  • Sankar Sridhar
  • Pubarun Basu
  • Devika Sukumaran
  • Sudip Maiti
  • Isaac Tsetan Gergan
  • Himadri Sharma
  • Abdul Munaff


ICPG is an important initiative to nurture talent from small towns and cities in India in the creative field of photography. With technological advancements breaking barriers, there are photographers with diverse backgrounds and experience, using mobile phones to high end professional cameras capturing compelling visuals. ICPG is designed to appeal to both the young emerging talent as well as the established, mid-to-senior practitioners of photography. ICPG is a humble contribution to the newly evolving genre of culture photography.

Between now and end of February 2022, these 8 photographers will be shooting their portfolios. A team of mentors will be available at hand to assist the grantees in any which way needed. In 2022, ICPG2021 will reach its logical end in the form of a high-quality coffee table book.