Indic Film Utsav has announced its opening and closing night films. Anandi Gopal directed by Sameer Vidwans, a period film, and a biopic about Anandi Gopal Joshi who was the first-ever Indian woman who became a doctor, will be the Opening Night film and will be screened at 7.30 pm IST on November 12th. Gumnaami directed by Srijit Mukherji, a thriller based on the Mukherjee Commission hearings that investigated the death of Subhash Chandra Bose, will be the Closing Night film and will be screened at 7.30 pm IST on November 15th. Both are scheduled as single screenings which means that both films will be screened only once each. The rest of the 83 films will be available for viewing starting from 7 am IST on November 12th all the way up to 6 pm IST on November 15th. Please visit for details regarding the entire line-up.

Sneak Peek to Indic Film Utsav

Indic Film Utsav 2020 - Festival Schedule

Admission is FREE to the entire 4-day event scheduled for November 12th–15th, 2020. Click HERE to register. By registering, you will receive Festival Newsletters with festival updates around screenings, panel discussions, and access to special events such as Opening Night and Closing Night.

Indic Film Utsav is now just a few DAYS away - Be there